Monday, April 20, 2009

Warning, personal "woman stuff" in this blog

Hi everyone! I can't believe it's been so long since I've written. There's been A LOT going on!

As you know, I had my immigration appointment and was told I needed another medical from an INS approved doctor. Well, thanks to a really cool lady (no names being given) I was able to get that last week. Everything turned out great and I've sent the medical packet off to INS but while I was seeing the doctor she decided to go ahead and just do a normal check up on top of the immigration medical. I told her about having PCOD (PCOS) and she immediately gave me a prescription for Metformin. Metformin works by changing the way the body processes sugars and carbs, which is a big cause of PCOD. I am on 500mgs once a day so far, but will ask to have my prescription doubled since I'm not having any problems at this dose at all. Some people go up to 2000mgs a day but I will probably stop at 1000mgs. I really hope I will soon start to see a difference.

I have also been on my period for 15 days now. I only started the Metformin 5 days ago so I know it's not because of that. Maybe my body is finally going to start doing what it's supposed to and this is just getting rid of all the crap that's built up over the years of not having a proper period. Every 6 months or so I've gotten a period that's just kind of like spotting; it lasts a couple days and than goes away for another half of a year. This one is not doing that, lol.

I just want to be normal. I don't want to be a beauty queen or a skinny mini model type person. I'd love to be a size 16-18....maybe 180-200 pounds. I would love to have the energy AND the ability to go jogging....or even to walk a couple of miles with Noelle. I would love to have my husband look at me and see beauty and sexiness. But more than even that, I would love to go to Walmart's plus size section and be able to try on an outfit without being embarrassed because they don't have it in my size.

1 comment:

Magaly Guerrero said...

"This blog is about my life as a fat girl learning to love herself. It is about love, laughter, pain and tears."

I really like the theme of your blog. If more of us could learn to live with what and who we are, then the world would be a much better place.

I had a accident in the early 2000s that left me scarred, emotionally and physical. The emotional scars are somewhere with those socks that get lost in the drier and no one ever thinks about, but the physical scars have become my trophies.


I'm glad things went well with immigration, I know that can be a real problem! Been there, done that, didn't even get a freaking T-Shirt!