It's been forever since I've posted!
I just got back from a month long vacation to my hometown. I miss it so much and cannot seem to figure out why I ever left. I drove into town and suddenly felt my muscles relax and excitement grow all at the same time. I didn't feel like I had to be anything other than what I am. The people in this town know me and love me for who I am. It's nice having a place like that to go to when the world gets to be too much.
Down South I feel like I'm always pretending when I'm out in public. I have to monitor myself so that I'm not too loud, too outspoken, too myself. I just don't see myself ever finding that place that I truly fit in here. Don't get me wrong, I love so many people here and I'm thankful to have met them. But I often wonder if they'd really want anything to do with me if I was completely and totally me, or would I just scare them off or offend them?
Anyway, here's a few pics of my trip and some of the people I got to reconnect with. My Mother got married, my Grandmother fought and is beating cancer (Yayy!) and my brother won his softball tournament while I was there. So all in all it was a great trip.
Bottom: Myself and my Brother

Hailey again with my oldest niece Vicki. Aren't they absolutely beautiful?
Unfortunately on the way home I ended up dropped of in Des Moines, Iowa at 12:30 in the middle of the night. While waiting for my next bus, which was due to arrive at 1:30 I had a man who called himself "Walking Eagle" try and take my wallet and rape me. He shook me up quite a bit but thankfully some people showed up to catch their bus and called the police. They stopped him from hurting me, let me sit in their car until a bus (not even mine, mine just didn't show at all) finally arrived at 4:30, and because of them I got my wallet back.
Then, while driving through Oklahoma we encountered really bad storms and tornado activity. My daughter, husband and his service dog Fiona ended up having to hide out in a storm shelter while waiting for my bus to arrive. We are all okay though and now I'm home with them.